Our lead minister is called a rector, which is a different name for vicar or priest. Our rector looks after the people in the benefice and leads the congregations of the churches. Our other ministers include retired clergy, but there are a number of other ministerial roles that our benefice also has.
Rector – Vacant
Our position of Rector is currently vacant. If you are interested in the position and would like to find out more please see the information on the diocesan website at
Rev Juliet Gosling-Brown
Juliet joined us a deacon in September 2021. Her role is about being called to be more ‘out of the church’ (she will be in the church too!), more a servanthood, pastoral role than a sacramental one, seeking out those marginalised, those without a voice and challenging injustices. It also includes coming alongside the sick, the lonely, the bereaved, the elderly and those in the forgotten corners of society: to be a bridge-builder, a reconciler, a listener, to be the…
Rev Hugh Allen
Hugh is married to Helen and has five (grown up) children. He is now retired from stipendiary ministry but works “behind the scenes”: mentoring, offering spiritual direction, and occasionally taking a service. He has led groups on trips to Israel and retreats in the past. He enjoys coffee and conversation, better with cake! He also writes poems and short stories, and enjoy “topless motoring”!
Rev Sue Green
Sue moved to Wiveliscombe in 1988 and was a member of the congregation for some time before being ordained in the mid 90s. She moved away fro ten years to be Rector of the nearby Blackdown Benefice, but on retirement chose to return to the centre of the universe. Sue is now happily helping out as needed within the benefice, and spends the rest of her time making fabrics and growing vegetables.