Most of the churches in the Hills have one communion service each month which is led by a member of the clergy. Fortunately we have a number of retired clergy in the area who are happy to help out by taking occasional services. St Andrew’s has two communion services a month, with daughter church, St Luke’s having communion services on alternating Sundays. This means that there is a communion service every Sunday in the parish of Wiveliscombe.

Some churches prefer to hold very traditional services of communion, using the Book of Common Prayer from 1662. Most churches use the more modern liturgy dating from 2000, called Common Worship. Sometimes family services use a more family-friendly version of communion for use with children.
St Andrew’s holds a sung eucharist on the first Sunday of each month with the choir leading the sung parts of the liturgy and usually including an anthem to conclude the service. The recently refurbished high quality organ makes a magnificent sound to accompany hymns and fills the space with beautiful music, thanks to our gifted organists.

The Hills churches all have organs and these are used to accompany hymns for most services, although Reg often plays his accordion at St Peter’s. He also brings joy at St Andrew’s on Christmas morning.