Church is very much alive during the week across the benefice! A number of regular meetings take place every week through organised groups, home groups and activities. Various social events also take place, which may be fundraisers, community events, social gatherings, or outreach events. Here are some examples of the groups and events that we have running. If you would like to find out more about any of our regular groups or social activities or would like to know who the organiser is for each group then please send us a message or have a look at our events pages to find out what’s coming up soon.
Home Groups and Lent Groups
We have at least 5 home groups that meet around the area monthly or fortnightly that study a range of topics or follow series of studies. Some home groups meet for meals before hand and some just for prayer and study. During the season of Lent we often have Lent Groups that meet weekly to study a series. In 2024 we are looking at Psalm 23 using the booklet ‘The 23rd Psalm: The Lord, Our Shepherd’ by Juanita Ryan. If you would like to join a group please send us a message.

Flower Guild
The Flower Guild is a core part of St Andrews, putting together beautiful floral arrangements weekly and for major church festivals throughout the year. For further information please contact Avril Gadd on 07971060682.

Bell Ringers
The St Andrews bell ringing group will meet weekly for practices and will ring bells for festivals, events, weekly services at St. Andrews and for other churches in the area. Bell ringers also meet at our other churches where we have them, including Tolland, which has the lightest church-ring of eight bells in the country For more information please contact Martin Valuks on 07398 448277.
Social Events across the Benefice
Occasional social events include quiz nights, harvest suppers, concerts, poetry readings, BBQs and fairs. The highlight of our coronation fair was parachuting teddies off the tower, as well as the Wivey Town Band. This summer St Andrew’s is holding a church away-day at Mill House Retreat Centre on June 8th.
There is so much going on in the benefice that it is impossible to list everything! Some examples of our other events include fundraising events, community events, outreach events, PCC and parish council meetings, further prayer and support groups, children’s clubs or activities, Open The Book, seasonal activities, study groups, visiting teams and The Julian Meetings – and that’s not all of it!

To get up-to-date information on what is going on in the next few weeks and months please click here.