But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 19:14
We have a vibrant and growing children’s and youth ministry taking place through St. Andrews in particular with a number of groups now meeting across the week. Children are welcome to all of our services across the benefice.
Messy Church
Messy Church events run regularly throughout the year. Aimed at Primary School children, it meets monthly on Fridays at St Andrews in the crypt for a Bible message, crafts and a variety of activities. Parents and carers are very welcome to come along after school and take part. For more information please see the Messy Church Facebook page.
Rock Youth Group
Rock group is for young people in school years 7-9. This group has been meeting monthly after school at St Andrew’s for Bible discussion, crafts and activities, plus monthly for a weekend activity. These have included bike rides, games in the woods, geo-caching and a visit to the Exmoor Owl and Hawk Centre. (Rock is not currently meeting, but if you have a child in this age group who may be interested please contact the church office.)

Eagles Youth Group
Our youth group meets occasionally at St Andrews to discuss issues that are relevant to our older young people and explores the biblical understanding of these. We also have occasional socials and celebration events. Young people from both Rock and Eagles enjoy going along to Living out Loud, a night of live music, activities and fun run by Taunton Youth for Christ.
SPREE youth event
We usually take a group of young people to SPREE SW each year and in 2023 took 18 youngsters to Westpoint Exeter for a fun-filled weekend. Before lock-down our band won SPREE’S Got Talent with an amazing performance.

Children’s area at St Andrew’s
The north aisle of the church is our dedicated area for young children, a safe area with boxes of toys and games to keep children amused. We also have a glass-fronted room on the south side where children can play under the supervision of their parents.
Sunday Schools in The Hills
Huish Champflower Sunday School
At St Peter’s there is a colourful, imaginative, well equipped area for children and their parents, in the north aisle. This space provides lots of entertainment and stimulation during services. This is where we have our Sunday School activities during most 11.15am Family Services, held on the first Sunday of the month, with stories from a children’s Bible, conversation, making things, drawing and more. We don’t meet every month, but you can check whether we will be having Sunday School on a particular date by emailing lucysloan@outlook.com

All are welcome to join us in a happy and relaxed atmosphere.