Palm Sunday – 2nd April
10:00 St Andrew’s Holy Communion
10:30 Tolland Palm Sunday Service (meet at Telephone Box (Village Library) if dry: in Church if wet)
11:15 Huish Champflower Family Communion by ext
18:00 Raddington Evensong
Maundy Thursday – 6th April
18:30 St Andrew’s Passover meal, footwashing and Gethsemane Vigil
Good Friday – 7th April
Morning – 9:30 – Cross walks from Norden’s Meadow, Kingsmead School, and Allenslade Close, Wiveliscombe
10:00 – muster in the Square
10:15 – Act of Witness in the Square
10:30 – Process to St Andrew’s
10:45 – Good Friday Meditation and prayers in St Andrew’s Church
11:30 – Refreshments and fellowship
In Tolland Church – 12 noon – 3 p.m.
– Good Friday prayers and meditation at the Foot of the Cross
Easter Sunday – 9th April
05:30 St Andrew’s Easter Vigil, Lighting of the New Fire, and first Communion of Easter. (Beginning in churchyard by the SE turret if dry: in Church if wet.) Followed by light refreshments.
8:30 Langley Marsh Easter Holy Communion (BCP) (St Luke’s)
10.00 St Andrew’s All-age Celebration Easter Communion
10:00. Clatworthy. Easter Morning Prayer
10:00. Chipstable Easter Holy Communion by extension
10:00. Brompton Ralph. Easter Holy Communion
10.00 Huish Champflower Easter Holy Communion